Free Short Story Sites

Rabu, 18 Mei 2016

For you Android lovers Here are 18 Free Short Story Sites you can visit and download the ebooks for killing your time.
Click on the logo to visit the site.
Name Your Tale
Name Your Tale – 100-Word stories based on your titles.
Espresso Stories
Espresso Stories – Complete stories that take no longer to read than an espresso takes to slurp. Accepts story submissions.
One Sentence
One Sentence – This is about telling the most interesting or poignant story possible in the fewest number of words. You may submit your own stories.
Six Word Stories
Six Word Stories – Stories told in just six words. You can submit your own.
FictionPress – Home to over 1.2 million original works. You can submit your own stories.
Short Stories
Short Stories – Available in various categories, printer friendly. Accepts story submissions.
Story Bytes
Story Bytes – A monthly Ezine and weekly electronic mailing list presenting shortest stories from 2 to 2048 words. Accepts story submissions.
100 Words
100 Words – A site that encourages writers to write 100 words a day, every day for 1 month. All the stories can be accessed from the site. You may submit your own stories.
Fan Story
Fan Story – Share your stories and poems and you will get detailed feedback. You may submit your own poems & stories.
Classic Short Stories
Classic Short Stories – Dedicated to the short story and to those interested in reading light prose.
Backhand Stories
Backhand Stories – A creative writing blog that published short stories, flash fiction, non-fiction & essays by new and unpublished writers. You may submit your own stories.
Short Story Archive
Short Story Archive – Browse through genres and authors. Huge collection.
Fifty-Two Stories
Fifty-Two Stories – Social engineering through the regular administration of short fiction.
Save The Short Story
Save The Short Story – A site dedicated to save the short story genre. Support this move by submitting your image.
Five Chapters
Five Chapters – Publishes a short story in five parts each week. Has contests and you may submit your stories.
50 Word Stories
50-Word Stories – New stories from Monday to Friday. Guest story is posted every Monday. Accepts story submissions.
Two Sentence Stories
Two Sentence Stories – Big stories told in 2 little sentences. Mathew from Australia operates this site and accepts submissions.
The Plough
The Plough – Great list of short stories for children.
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Free Short Story Sites

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