Updates Online Business Philppines January 2014

Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

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Hello Team,

Just a quick update on the programs we are involved in this month. I hope you have been joining these programs and starting to make some money online and having a good start this 2014. Lets get started.

IX9.BIZ - Another HYIP that came up from a trusted and experienced admin. This will be a short term investment so for those who have a high tolerance to risk, this program is for you to double or triple your money in less than a month. Be sure not to be too greedy, get your initial money fast, keep the profits that would satisfy you, and reinvest if the program is still going strong. To make good profit, invest at least $100 or more but you can start as low as $10. Click here to start making money at IX9.

OJOOO - A really hot PTC program nowadays. I hope this will last long like Neobux and Clixsense. Follow our guide to learn how to make good money with Ojooo and with PTC sites.

Check our online programs list from time to time. Im putting in new opportunities there where you can make more money. Also, for those not subscribed in our blog yet, be sure to put in your email in the right column so you can receive automatic updates for free. Like our facebook fanpage, join our blog, and add us to your google+ circle. All can be found in the right column of our blog.

Be blessed!
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Microsoft ruined Skype

Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

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Trying to use Skype to dial out and finding that every time I press a DTMF key, it repeats. In fact, it is an increasing sequences of repeats. First I got 2 keys, then 3 and so on. Pathetic.

I think Windows 8 is fun, but I think they need a service pack asa-fricken-p …. or this thing is dead in the water.

As it is, I just may downgrade soon, because my patience is wearing thin …

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Man With A Gun Shoots Kills Teenager Of Another Race Found Innocent No Screeching

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

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But this was in 2009, Obama wasnt running for re-election, and the shooter was black, and the kid was white.
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Back from Stockholm …

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

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I hate that.

Anyway, I’ll be processing images over the next few days or even a week and will post as I find stuff worthy of interest from the F770EXR. The camera handled beautifully over the 5 days of the trip and I killed two batteries in the process of shooting a lot of video and quite a few images. I ran the GPS pretty much all the time, which is less hard on batteries than the F550EXR version and more effective to boot.

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Pixillion Mac Image Converter Software

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

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image converter software for Mac and Windows PCOne of the things NCH is best known for is our converting software. Take virtually any audio file and make it an mp3 for your iPod with Switch MP3 Converter, and not being able to watch a video on your computer is never a problem when you have Prism Video Converter. Video files in particular used to plague me at home on my Mac because of platform compatibility issues. Now Mac users can add another converter to their arsenal with Pixillion Image Converter which recently had its first Mac release.

What makes Pixillion great is that it isnt just another conversion program, additional options allow you crop, resize, rotate and compress your digital photos during conversion. And for any photographers out there not only can you batch convert but you can add watermarks to protect your images as well. So if you have photos, and we know you do, take a look at Pixillion Image Converter to help you reformat your pictures.
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Balesin Island Club Balesin Spa and Sports Center

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The Balesin Spa:
For those who wanted to experience wellness and relaxation, The Balesin Spa is your perfect destination especially when you need to rejuvenate after a stressful work-week. They actually have a wide array of services that will definitely meet your specific needs. 

Spa entrance

You can conclude what the theme color of the spa is - White

Sports Center:
They have a separate building that houses their sports activities within the island. Other than the billiards that are located in the Balesin clubhouse, you could also head to the sports center to burn those extra calories or just have fun with your family. Here are some of the activities that they offer in the indoor area:

By the entrance of sports center

Wood accents made by Ifugaos

Badminton - courts:free of charge,
racket: free of charge,
shuttlecock: old-free; new-with charge

Basketball court/Badminton court with wall-climbing by the far-end. 
Too bad we werent able to try their wall climbing as one of their requirements were closed shoes and all of us only brought slippers with us. Maybe on our next visit we could do this activity. Wall climbing is safe as there will be a guide who will be helping you out on your climb.

Tennis Area by the far-end of the sports center
We werent able to take a photo but there is a gym at the second floor of the sports center and it oversees these courts down below. What I loved about this place is the service that they offer to the guests as each one of us was given a towel each and glasses of water even though our badminton session was free of charge.

There are also outdoor activities that were available, too bad we werent able to take photos but these activities include basketball courts, tennis court, golf, archery. You could also borrow mountain bikes so you could easily navigate your way to the different parts of the island without waiting for golf cars.

Other related Balesin articles:

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Lancer Project Finished!

Senin, 17 Februari 2014

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Note: Click on the pictures to see better images.

After hours and hours of hard work - I believe my Lancer is ready to hit the road once again!


Heres a quick look at some of the problems I had to deal with. I also had to work on the interiors, center console, the trunk, etc. etc. etc. Whew! :)

Heres how she looks like right now - no more nasty scratches on the bumper. As you can see it is securely in place - the DIY clip repair worked!

The rear passenger door looks neat - the peeled paint is now a thing of the past.


Although theres still a little bump in the corner - the roof gutter looks a lot better.


Everything looks spick and span from where Im standing.


Buffed up the side mirrors as well - it looks brandnew right? :) The muffler also had a bit of TLC.


Oddly enough - my wife and my lancers share the same name - I named the car before I met my wife and shes been asking me to change the cars name for years!

Now that my lancer has a new lease in life (and I just got married to my wife) - I think its time to finally give in to my wifes request.

After many sleepless nights (hehe) - Ive finally decided to name her "Michie" (short for mitsIbishi hehe).

Now, I feel that both the wife and the car are happy! :) Yey!

As Ive mentioned in my earlier post - I tried to keep the costs on this project down (under 1,500 pesos) . Lets see how I did:

Wohoo! Since I had some of the materials on hand (the rubbing compound, some leftover paint/thinner, etc) - I was able to finish this project way below budget! It feels great to save money! :)

Well, projects like this never really end. As early as now - Im already thinking about replacing Michies horns, detailing her engine, DIY Oil change etc. Stay tuned for more DIY projects in the future! :)


Thanks! :)
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Sample Code on How to Fill the Datagrid View in Visual Basic Net

Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

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Sample on how to Fill the Datagrid View in Visual Basic .Net

Heres the code below.

Dim query as string="Select * from EmployeeTable"
Dim da as new oledbdataadapter(query,con)

dim ds as new dataset




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5D MkIII versus D800 versus D7000 – Has Canon lost the plot

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

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I must admit to being very impressed with the initial DPReview high ISO images from the 5D MkIII when they were first posted. I was wondering how Nikon could compete with that. But now that I have processed a 6400 ISO low light image from the D800 and seen the DXOMark scores from the Canon, I’m starting to wonder if Canon has lost the plot somehow …

Basically, the DXOMark scores show that the MkIII is very slightly better than the MkII, it seems stuck back in the last decade. To really see what is what, I thought I would write one of my puff pieces analyzing the MkIII against the D800 and for a bit of fun, the D7000. Which is the only dSLR I own right now.

No doubt some will be shocked to see how far ahead Nikon has pulled in sensor technology with the D800. The undisputed king of the sensor scores. But what will be even more shocking is how close the D7000 and the 5D MkIII are in overall sensor score.


That’s just not right. Here’s a question: Should a wedding photographer in a sunny climate use the 5D MkIII for the outdoor shots, or a D800? And if said wedding photographer cannot afford the D800, perhaps the D7000? After all, dynamic range rules when the white dress and black tux are standing side by side in blazing sunlight. Note how I presumed that the Nikons are the right choice. YMMV, especially if you like white lenses. Note, though, that the Surgeon General says that excessive use of white lenses can shrink your genitalia over time.

Moving on …

The SNR measurements are actually pretty close. The 5D MkIII is ever so slightly worse than the D800, with the D7000 trailing by about 1.33 stops for most of the range., Amazingly consistent curves.


Dynamic Range is where things really start to rock and roll. The Canon is completely outclassed by both Nikons. Shame on Canon for that. It’s 2012, not 2009.

image‘The Canon is still a half stop behind the D800 at 1600 ISO and only pulls ahead of the D7000 by 1600 ISO.

The last two graphs show the tonal range being neck-and-neck, although the D800 is slightly ahead most of the way; and the final graph shows the color sensitivity being basically tied again, but this time with the D7000.


In conclusion, I’m just surprised that Canon appears to have chosen to rev the old sensor technology again instead of cranking out a stronger technology for this generation. Nikon has had the undisputed low light crown for quite some time.

Disclaimer: Canon makes excellent cameras. There is nothing wrong with them, especially if you already own a bunch of compatible lenses and accessories. I would not presume to say that they are bad cameras in any way, shape or form. But … I would take a Nikon body over a Canon body any day of the week, and these numbers show that its not just the ergonomics any more.

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Rain rain go away …

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Two days of rain. Boring. Not that big a deal though, since I must spend this weekend preparing the furnace room for a full replacement. Should be interesting I would say.

Anyway, I had the D7000 downstairs to document some cheques that I was writing (I keep photographic evidence of certain documents in lieu of scanning them … not really much difference in quality and scanning is more of a hassle to me.) I brought a couple of lenses and shot the garden from the comfort of my dining room, just poking the lenses out to the back yard.

I first shot the Tamron 19-35 3.5-4.5 lens, a very inexpensive used lens I once bought for the D700. It’s surprisingly sharp and the range is just right for full frame, being rather wide. For APS-C on the D7000, the range is acceptable at 28.5-52.5 … more or less equivalent to a standard walk about zoom. And for about 100 bucks, who is to complain?

Note: I’m keeping my FF lenses – this Tamron and the Tamron 28-75 2.8 – for the day when I am done with putting kids through university etc … and the day when hopefully Nikon will see fit to drop a FF sensor into a body the size of the D7000. Or maybe I will grab a D800 :-)

Anyway … sliding off topic. I have always liked this little Tammy, although it did perform better with the larger and less dense pixels on the D700. That thing was absolutely magnificent. But on the D7000 it just requires a bit of a deft touch on the sharpening controls to get very nice results.

For example … the western end of the pool has a number of nice bushes, and they all show up with perfect clarity here.

Nikon D7000, Tamron 19-35  100iso  f/4.5  1/80  35mm (52mm EFL)

Of course, I do recommend that you click through the images in this article to see them at 1000px. Much better detail available there.

Looking to the east end of the pool, the detail is again very high. I find the lens sharper at 19mm, which is very welcome. Mega zooms tend to have problems at full wide, while smaller range zooms can balance things a bit better. Of course, I also stopped down this time to f/5.6, which always makes a big difference. Even professional grade lenses benefit.

Nikon d7000, tamron 19-35  100iso  f/5.6  1/80  19mm (28mm EFL)

I also lost a touch of the wide FOV because I straightened the lines on the house in the background. Pointing the lens downward slightly caused the house to lean, so a quick tweak of the manual lens correction profile fixed that right up.

Next, I snapped on the 70-300mm 4.5-5.6 VR. This is a great lens for a low price. I paid 400 bucks used from a fellow in Calgary, AB. He shipped it to me in 4 days just in time to go to Florida back in 2008 I believe. The lens has been excellent on every body I have owned since.

Here, at 300mm, the clarity is remarkable from 40 feet away. I have stopped down slightly (2/3 stops) to sharpen the corners a touch. The subject is, of course, my Hansa rose bush.

Nikon d7000 + 70-300VR  400iso  f/7.1  1/125  300mm (450mm EFL)

Here is my Forsythia bush, backed by my neighbour’s Black Maple tree.

nikon d7000 + 70-300VR  400iso  f/7.1  1/80  300mm

My Yellow-Twigged Dogwood bush has finished flowering and can now embark on this year’s acquisition of more territory. Aggressive does not begin to capture its growing habits …

nikon d7000 + 70-300VR  400iso  f/7.1  1/125  300mm

The False Spirea is a lovely bush that looks scraggly for the few few weeks of its leafing out. But then all the leaves appear and it looks terrific. Here, it competes for space with the tiny remnants of my Sand Cherry bush and the Yellow-Twigged Dogwood. This promises to be a real battle royal between these two. The two Peony bushed have already succumbed to the Dogwood, and the Sand Cherry appears to be next. I think I should move it across the yard to an open space. Fair is fair …

nikon d7000 + 70-300VR  400iso  f/7.1  1/100  300mm

I have again fallen prey to guest trees this year. There are now five growing on the yard, and I must deal with them as they never seed in a good location. I think of these as “bird shit trees” as I suspect that they often arrive by excretion-mail … anyway, the best identification I can come up with is that this is a Green Ash tree. In fact, that’s what I had in my front yard, which thus I think this one must go. The beetles that are killing Ash trees around these parts are probably not going to stop … and this tree is far too large to grow next to my pool.

nikon d7000 + 70-300VR  400iso  f/7.1  1/160  300mm

Two alternate renderings as I was playing with Lightroom 4. The presets can be useful, but ultimately you will want to learn the dials anyway.

Here, I was playing with the medium contrast preset and ended up tweaking that a bit to my liking. But this is actually a nicer rendering than my lower contrast one above. I will have to train myself away from the “peering into shadows” look, as it is not always the right look.

And the orange filter preset in the black and white area creates a nice starting point. I further enhanced the contrast, but this started out much better than the red filter preset, which had too much whites to work well. Backing the white point off would have tamed that, but I prefer to start with nice balanced tones as I add contrast.

And finally, another bird-shit guest growing at the west end of the pool. Also a place where I cannot have tree roots. So it must go. But this one I think I might save, as I have identified it tentatively as a Norway Maple, a rather nice species for a yard. And a European import.

nikon d7000 + 70-300VR  400iso  f/7.1  1/125  300mm

The one upside to rainy days is that the garden looks very lush. I do like that …

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The Long Angry Arm of Coca Cola

Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

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The Long Angry Arm of Coca-Cola

Read that post on Dr. Freedhoffs excellent weight management blog. Too many people think it is a-ok to push highly addictive substances (sugar with caffeine is extremely addictive) at an ever fatter population and then debate the merits not on the health risks, but on the loss of freedom. And this is here in Canada, where public health is an icon of our freedom from illness. Just goes to show how powerful "big food" really is ...
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Toyota 86 Photos and Video

Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

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The Toyota 86 is developed by Toyota and Subaru. With a boxer engine, front-engine and RWD layout and first 2+2. It's sold under different brands.
-Toyota 86 in Japan, South Africa and Australia
-Toyota GT86 in Europe
-Toyota 86 and Toyota GT86 in New Zealand
-Subaru BRZ
-Scion FR-S in the US and Canada
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