Olympus OM D E M5 Video Review Behind the Scenes

Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Finally, we have come to the end of the Olympus OM-D E-M5 review episodes spanning about two weeks. This time, we shall divert the attention to a dear friend of mine, Sanjit from FULLCIRCLEPIX who has been with me throughout all my shooting session for the review of E-M5.

I first encountered Sanjit in the year 2008, during one of the first few Olympus User Gathering held by Olympus Malaysia. I remembered vividly attending the first talk that was conducted by Sanjit on Wildlife Photography at Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival, and admiring his photography work as well as his passion to shoot and share his knowledge with the audience. He is one photographer that I have come to respect and look highly onto over the years, and being an Olympus E-System user, there was a lot I can relate to. It came as a surprise and pleasure when I was given the opportunity to work alongside someone as great as Sanjit for the recent Olympus OM-D E-M5 review.



As you all know it, I am not a videographer, and I have almost zero skills and knowledge when it comes to video shooting. Sanjit on the other hand is very experienced in video shooting, and has very good sense of art direction. Therefore, it was only natural that I concentrate fully on the photography side of the Olympus E-M5 review, while Sanjit would tackle the video capabilities. His ultimate challenge was to shoot everything hand-held, without any aids such as dolly, tripod or steadycams. It was also his task to explore how feasible E-M5 is as a video shooting camera.

Sanjit has been a great partner to work with, I enjoyed every single moment and adventures with him. I admire his dedication, passion and willingness to work till ungodly hours just to finish up all the videos I have been showing in my blog reviews so far. Believe me the amount of effort and energy sacrificed for the videos was beyond my imagination, yet I never heard a word of complain from Sanjit, and he kept everything on schedule with no delay. My only wish is that we have had more time, so that everything was not so rushed and hectic. Nonetheless, I believe Sanjit did a splendid job in illustrating how well the Olympus E-M5 handles video recording, and I cannot have asked for any better. 

I shall place the spotlight to Sanjit. Head over to his blog where he has written his part of E-M5 review for video shooting, and his write-up on behind the scenes of our review work:

Go to:

Please kindly direct your questions and comments to Sanjits blog !! I will surely not be able to answer any questions related to video.

To Sanjit, it was an honor and privillege to shoot alongside you. Cheers mate !!

Special thanks to Olympus Malaysia for loaning us the OM-D. 

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