I Now Pronounce You Chuck Larry

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

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Chuck & Larry are two firemen who are best of pals. One day, Larry (Kevin James) helped saved Chucks (Adam Sandler) life while in work. In return of his gratefulness, Chuck mentioned that he will repay Larry in whatever he wants.

So, when Larry had problems of tax issues, he decided the only way was to have Chuck be his domestic partner. And he of course turned to Chuck for help, not knowing what they would fall into.

Both straight men had to pretend to be domestic partners and even getting married legally in Canada, just for Larrys sake. They even had to lived in together with Larrys 2 kids. Chuck was pissed further as he was then falling for their lawyer, Alex McDonough (Jessica Biel), but had to hide it as the government is cracking on scams of gay marriages.

My initial idea was this was going to be a gay-bashing movie. But it ended empathising on them with subtle lines, giving viewers a better understanding of them and love in general. There is also a showcase of strong friendship bonds as shown among the firemen, when they backed both Chuck & Larry in their marriage.

The usual American or Hollywood jokes are found here, together with the typical Adam Sandlers hilarious actions.

Watch this if you are a fan of humour, or a fan of Sandler.

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Nintendo E3

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

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How embarrassing. How disappointing. How painfully bad. These are just some of the ways I could describe Nintendos press conference. It started with a detailed account of someones skiing injuries. Then an interesting but lie ridden demo of a snow boarding game using the Wii Balance Board. Then some statistics that dont correlate with Microsofts, and 3 average looking game trailers. They did, some what inevitably, announce a microphone along with Animal Crossing. It might not look great, and no backwards support was announced, but a room mike is better than no mike I guess...

Animal Crossing looks decidedly average. Average graphics, average set of features etc. However, judging by the rest of the of the show, they might have been underplaying it.

Yes, thats right, Nintendo has a cunning plan. It involves under talking and deliberatly missing out key information to upset core gamers to a point of suicide. The problem is, I havent worked out how this plan benifits them in any way at all. For example, it turns out a new Mario and Zelda are being created. All they had to do was say along with a quick render of Link. THATS ALL THEY HAD TO DO. No effort, shut everyone up for months. But no.

Then the stage goes dark, at first you think it is Wii music because they havent mentioned it. But then dry ice starts pooring on to the stage and crazy lights start going. Oh my word! Nintendo have some big old hard core announcment. There is litterally nothing else this can be. Nothing. Wait a minute, thats a drummer. Wii Music... *Collective sigh* Wii music is a game I kind of had hopes for becuase if there is one company that can make an affordable Rock Band it is Nintendo (I actually have an idea of a Nintendo Rock Band which I will detail later, but rest assureed doenst envolve hundereds of pounds) because they have a huge music collection that they can use for free. I will happily drum away to Zelda main theme, you can use Brawl as a juke box, so just take it to the next level.

Sadly not, there is no skill. You press buttons at random. When you want. In any order. GH (Guitaur Hero) managed to breach the gap between non gamers and gamers. It isnt so much Nintendo are breaching this gap, they are just catering to non gamers. Why? Probably because they are making a fortune at the moment.

On the plus side, The Conduit looks intense, and actual real people thought it was a 360 game. Plus, it will, apparently, support Wii Speak. On top of the fact, there is a halrious reinactment of Ninty E3, so every cloud does have a silver lining.
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1 100 RGM 79 Sniper Heavy Armed Custom Build

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

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1/100 RGM-79 Sniper & Heavy Armed - Custom Build

Modeled by coralblue76

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Review 30243 Umbaran MHC Polybag

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

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This is it, the one youve been waiting for.  Carpemortis has already done a review on the Hangar.  Ever since the community found out about this set weve been talking about it.  Before we even get to the questions you can see that its essentially an Ijad frame in a bag.  $4 gets you a frame, $20 gets you a squad.  Darksyntax has also started a topic to show off different builds using this set.  As you can see -- if you click through -- a lot can be done with this set.

The bag and instruction booklet.

The parts.  Twelve 1x2 Modified Plate w/Horizontal Clip, six 1x2 Modified Plate w/Bar (closed ends), and much more.

The Questions:
Can you build a frame, or frames, right away?  Yes.  (+5)
Is it below, at, or above the golden ratio?  Below.  (+5)
If you cant build a frame right away, does it have parts you should be able to put into use right away?  Id say yes.  (+5)
Does it have more than a handful of immediately useful parts?  Yes. (+5)
Score: 20 (A+). Our first Lego set with a top rating.  Run out and grab this one before it disappears.
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Transcription City Makes Their First Instructional Video

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

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Guest post by Transcription City, specialist transcription services

As most transcriptionists know, NCH Software makes some pretty awesome dictation and transcription software. Most of our transcriptionists use Express Scribe for their transcription work, and it is the programme I always recommend when anyone asks for advice on transcription software because of its simplicity and ease of use with pretty much any audio or video file. At the office, I also use Switch audio file converter from time to time, usually because somebody has sent me a file in an unusual audio or video format. I also use Switch to compress large files, which can save so much time when a transcriptionist needs to download a file for quick turnaround. In my opinion, NCH make some of the best software around, so when we decided to make some instructional videos for our clients, NCH VideoPad was our first choice for video editing.

Watch all the Transcription City videos on YouTube at youtube.com/transcriptioncity
Transcription City is an up-and-coming company, and we want our clients to be able to get to know us as a trusted and professional brand. This is why we came up with the idea of making a few videos to help our clients to get to grips with our website, as well as learn a few tips on recording a high-quality audio or video file. In theory, it was simple: make an informative video and then post it to YouTube. As Company Director, I felt the responsibility should lie on me to introduce potential clients to our company, but the problem was once the camera was pointed at me, I would instantly forget what I was going to say or burst into fits of laughter due to my embarrassment; after all, I’m no Angelina Jolie! We needed a solution so we could cut out the guff and get our point across to our clients clearly and informatively.

Enter VideoPad. After downloading VideoPad from the NCH website (which took us less than a few minutes) we began editing our video. VideoPad was so user friendly that we had a fully edited video in around half an hour, without even watching the tutorials. We were so impressed with the software because we could easily edit and upload video from any camcorder or even an iPhone. VideoPad will accept any video file and it can easily be uploaded to YouTube or transferred to DVD (great if you have made a lot of home movies). You can easily add music or narration, stabilise a shaky video or add photos and captioning to your film.

I can honestly say that by using NCH VideoPad, we have created professional, informative videos that our clients can really benefit from. Now, if we could just get them to arrange George Clooney to star in our next video...

TranscriptionTranscription City offers specialist transcription services to businesses and individuals around the world. They provide a cost effective way of getting work done quickly and faultlessly for large and small companies alike.
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PowerArchiver 2009 11 00 Final

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

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PowerArchiver é um utilitário arquivo e ganhador de prêmios para os produtos da família Windows que fornece suporte para a maioria dos arquivos compactados e codificados, bem como o acesso a muitos recursos poderosos e ferramentas embora uma interface fácil de usar que integre seamlessly com o Windows Explorer. PowerArchiver nativamente suporta ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA (LZH), TAR, tar.gz, tar.bz2, BH, RAR, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO, GZ, BZIP2, XXE, MIME, UUE e yENC arquivo formatos. Um visualizador interno apresenta TXT, RTF, e mais de 18 formatos da imagem.

PowerArchiver cria e funciona com tamanho ilimitado arquivos ZIP com melhor velocidade formato ZIP e compressão; uma Password Manager armazena suas senhas freqüentemente usadas; 5 métodos de criptografa de arquivos, incluindo 256-bit AES; backs-up seus trabalhos com PowerArchiver da Auto-Backup ferramenta FTP e de apoio; cria poderosas CAB e ZIP auto-extraível (SFX) arquivos usando um assistente, um Batch ZIP ferramenta compacta centenas de arquivos de uma só vez; e um Multi-ferramenta Extract pode extrair centenas de arquivos instantaneamente.

Download: PowerArchiver 2009 11,00 Final

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HS25 Review – Part 16 – Late night walk in the neighborhood …

Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

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So it’s fairly late in the evening and the sun has just set or is just about to. You decide on a nice walk for half an hour and you grab your HS25 for the wander. It’s the time of year when many flowers are at or near their peak, so it is a good time to see what the neighbors have been up to.

Before I left on the walk, I started in my own back yard. The Hansa Rose bush is now covered in blooms. Looks terrific. Here’s a reasonably nice one, straight from the camera except for resizing.

Note: the majority of these images are straight from the camera, except wher I note that the image is processed. All are shot in EXR DR mode. I shot the first third of the image at auto ISO 400, but as the light waned I was forced to shoot auto ISO 1600. Meter was set to averaging the entire time.

fuji hs25  400iso  f/5  1/80

Here is the same image as I usually prefer to render it.

Yes, the difference is subtle. But subtle differences matter.

Another bloom with the stamens showing.


fuji hs25  400iso  f/5  1/150  -2/3ev

Although it is not a sunny or contrasty light, I prefer to drop exposure a bit to protect pinks and reds, which are really hard to capture without blowing them out.

The whole bush as Fuji would render it and then as I would render it. No EXIF, it is embedded if you want to see it.

A robin lands right in front of me on the fence, and then walks towards me. I actually have to zoom out to get the whole thing in. Ho cocks his head at me as the camera is beeping (I am furiously trying to turn off macro mode.)

Again, Fuji’s and then mine. I correct white balance by clicking the dropper on the fence.

For those who don’t like to process, perhaps working with custom white balance will suffice. But I would seriously consider getting Lightroom 4, which is half the price that Lightroom 3 used to be.

As I was about to leave the yard, I noted that the moon was up and looked really nice in the late evening blue sky.

That’s hand held of course. I tried exacting more detail and the sky turned to sandpaper, so I went with black and white and much prefer this rendering, even though it is nothing like the original scene.

For those wondering how clean the moon came out at around 100%, the answer is not very.

There is quite a bit of coarse detail, but the smearing is brutal. And this is 100ISO! Perhaps there was slight movement because it was hand held. Anyway, I have better output from this cam on the tripod.

So … off I went for a walk. I still had the camera set to auto ISO 400, so I got some blurry shots. Since this is an experience report, you get to see evrything.

This shot is blurred, but the camera did a nice job with the white balance. Still a bit cool, but nice overall. Note that I am shooting for capture quality, which means that these are all low contrast. I also have DR400 set up in EXR DR mode.

Fuji hs25  400iso  f/5.6  1/50  -2/3ev  687mm EFL (too long for the shutter speed)

The next shot are Lupins. Gorgeous. And I got lucky on the stabilization.

Fuji hs25  400iso  f/5  1/50  -2/3ev

Lucky again with these Poppies.

fuji hs25  400iso  f/5  1/30(!)  -2/3ev

A neighbor decided that the Lilac had to go. Bummer. I like Lilacs.

Note the leaning garage. I pointed the lens down to capture the scene, and that makes anything straight up and down lean outward.

Nice looking fluted flowers. Can’t remember the name, but they remind me of Morning Glories, which bloom much later on.

Generally, the color is coming out pretty well from the Fuji. Sometimes the cool white balance is too obvious, but other times it looks fine to me. YMMV of course.

This neighbor has an incredible set of Hostas out front. I processed this one for sure.

There must have been 6 or 8 take-offs during my walk. Here’s one just climbing over head … heavy crop shows the grain.

Got another sharp one. Some Iris at full zoom. No idea how I got it sharp at 1/60 …

A bit more muted than I like, which is the fault of the white balance I think.

Next door we see more Lupins. Almost fully bloomed. Great background provided by their porch.

I don’t recommend shooting 400ISO in the dark, but I did get quite a few keepers. But it gets harder as time goes on, as the sun is definitely gone by now.

Right next to the gorgeous Lupins we see the bent ones and I got blur again. Can’t complain at these shutter speeds (1/25 in this case.


The Alliums (yes, of the onion family) next to them came out all right, but there is still a bit of blur if you look for it.

Another shot of Irises, and another ruined shot. 1/25s is too slow and I still have not quite figured out what is happening. Duh …

These Cosmos are almost sharp, but alas, not quite. The bull’s eye composition would normally have been fixed with a crop, but I am posting what I shot. In this low light, I am finding it a chore to compose images at full zoom. This is something I have noticed about the HS25 … not really a tough light camera. Everything seems a bit more difficult.

And finally, I notice the ISO is too low., The Peonies are gorgeous and I really want this shot. The two before this one were horrid. This one is still blurred, despite being shot at 1600 ISO.


Because it is dark, the speed still only came out to 1/70. So still pretty slow for full zoom.

But here I get a very crisp image of these Irises. The shutter is fast enough at 1/220.

These Clematis look great. But I don’t like the cool tint, so I process them myself again.

Now this one had no excuse to be blurred at 1/250s … but statistically it is still going to happen. I should have shot it 3 times to be certain.

And yes, that one was processed. This is what Fuji did …

A cropped shot of a rabbit at full zoom and 1/70s. Not very sharp, not very clean, but hey … it’s a wascally wabbit.

I went to wide angle and got a nice shot of a Peony down the road from the rabbit. At wide angle, you really have to watch your backgrounds. This worked well.

Then I back off a bit and shoot with more zoom and macro mode set. There is much less to worry about in the background with this narrow angle of view.

And once more … a wide shot of an Iris, then a tele shot in macro mode.

Again, the background makes a huge difference.

A while later, I notice this way cool flowering bush between two houses. I think I want one of these. Anyone know what it is? By the way, this one is processed.

Iris is a popular flower around these parts.

Second bunny in 10 minutes. Cool.

I had to reset white balance to show how pretty these Iris were. Wow …

1/90 was just to slow for the closeup. Again … had I shot it three times … maybe.

Last image … just before I turned the corner for home. This house is just gorgeous … the huge Maple in the front yard with the Ivy on the brick and the lovely stone driveway. Very nice …


So is it fun to carry the HS25 in fading light? Well, mostly. I enjoyed carrying it. It is light and unobtrusive. But it has hesitations on the AF and the LCD / EVF freezes while that is going on. The EVF and LCD do not really show you what you are getting, although the LCD is far better than the EVF, which is a bit of a joke as a viewing device.

But I still find myself framing with the EVF because long zoom needs stability and the third point of pressure on the camera (eye socket) makes a lot of difference.

The noise and grain is ok, but not spectacular. At these sizes, full shots look fine at 1600ISO. But cropping is not going to make you happy.

One of these days I need to bring the D7000 out in this light. I expect a slaughter.

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